

Several weeks ago, somebody was seeing something very similar to our
experience below.  I didn't see if the problem was resolved, but here is
a fix if it wasn't.




Kelly Lipp


STORServer, Inc.

485-B Elkton Drive

Colorado Springs, CO 80907



From: Ron Pavan 
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2008 10:28 AM
To: Bill Smoldt; Dean VanderDoes; Diane Sullivan; Glenn Brennan; James
Amend; John Stephens; Kelly Lipp; Mike Swartz; mod; Ron James; Ron Pavan
Subject: Slow Transfer Speeds After 2003 SP2 upgrade


Some of you might have seen this already but I know I had not.  Here is
a link to a MS article that explains the fix/workaround for poor network
performance on a server after SP2 was installed.  I worked with Argonne
on an exchange backup problem where performance was 2 Mb/sec from the
exchange server.  I was able to track this back to starting on May 29th
(the same day they did and SP2 upgrade).  They implemented this KB
article on the Exchange server and the transfer speeds are now back up
between the 50-70 Mb/sec range.


Just thought I would share it in case you run into something like that.


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