It should not put tapes in wrong drive.  LTO4 drive can read/write
LTO3 tape and can read LTO2 but not LTO1.
David Longo

>>> TSM User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/5/2008 11:01 AM >>>
Thanks for the info--this is what I was hoping to read.  We will be
retaining enough LTO1 drives in the environment for long enough to migrate,
and we do expect to actively migrate data as well as force all new data to
the new media.  Mostly, I wanted to be certain that the various components
would have the sense to use the correct tape drives depending on the tape
(or storage pool), since there's no compatibility between the LTO1 and
LTO4.  This isn't a situation where I can really afford to be wrong or
misinterpret something, so I'm verifying everything.

On Thu, Jun 5, 2008 at 10:25 AM, David Longo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> You do not have to partition the library, mixed LTO devices
> can exist in same logical library now.
> Install and configure the LTO4 drives.  Then label/checkin LTO4
> tapes and create new Tape Stg Pools.  Then take an existing Mgmnt
> Class and point it to new tape pool.  Data will then go there and gradually
> expire on old tape pools.  Depending on how much space you have in
> 3584, you may then want to Migrate data from LTO1 pools to LTO4 pools
> this will get rid of old tapes quicker.  Don't forget offsite pools
> also.
> One main thing is to balance number of LTO1/4 drives to make this work
> well.  Do you have a choice of replacing some of the LTO1 drives now
> and the rest later?  That would help.  I would not try to do all pools at
> once,
> do 1 or 2 to start and then others as you have resources and see how this
> is working.
> There are a few other items, but that covers the basics.
> David Longo
> >>> TSM User <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/5/2008 9:34 AM >>>
> I'm trying to find the best way to migrate a 3584 library from LTO1 to LTO4
> media.  For a period of time, both drive types will be installed.  I know
> the library can be partitioned, but capacity is already pretty tight, and
> it
> would almost certainly require continuous "redrawing the borders" as the
> relative proportion of media types shifted, in order to make everything
> fit.  Would there be any gotchas if I defined both device classes to the
> same library, and then assigned the LTO4 scratch media to the appropriate
> storage pools immediately on checkin?  Or am I required to do some kind of
> library partitioning to make this work?  I've done some searching online,
> but can't find anything explicit one way or the other.
> Thanks,
> Kathy
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