There are several ways to selectively delete a specific file from the TSM storage pools.Let's assume you need to delete the file /usr/tsm/test1.txt. First we take a look at the options that are available to you through the TSM client command line (dsmc):
1) Delete the file selectively from an archive with 'delete backup', for example: delete backup /usr/tsm/test1.txtdelete backup /usr/tsm/* -pick (to list all matched files) You can use "delete archive" instead of "delete backup". 2) Mark all versions as inactive with 'expire', that way they will be removed from the TSM server at the next expiration process. Remove the file from the file system itself also if you don't want it to be backed up again with the next incremental backup, or exclude it. For example: expire /usr/tsm/test1.txt 3) Create a special management class on the TSM server with the VERDELETED and RETONLY parameters set to 0 and place an INCLUDE statement to bind the file to this management class. Then issue a selective backup of the file. It will be removed from the TSM server at the next expiration process. 4) create an empty file with the same filename and backup this empty file as many times as your retention parameters are set to "push" the filled file out of TSM DB and storage. 5) Put an exclude statement for the file in your dsm.opt (or dsm.sys) file on the node or the client options file on the server side to mark the file as expired. This is like step 2. There is one way to delete data from the TSM server, without the client. For obvious reasons, this is not the recommended approach. Let's skip the discussion about data integrity and who actually owns the data for now. Be sure to inform the data owner in any case. You'll need to know the object ID of the file you want to be deleted. This can be revealed by issuing a SELECT query against the BACKUPS or ARCHIVES table. For example: NODE_NAME: FACE_TSMCLFILESPACE_NAME: /usrFILESPACE_ID: 2STATE: ACTIVE_VERSIONTYPE: FILEHL_NAME: /tsm/LL_NAME: test1.txtOBJECT_ID: 551534088BACKUP_DATE: 2007-12-21 04:14:31.000000DEACTIVATE_DATE: OWNER: CLASS_NAME: DEFAULT In this case you'll need to issue the following command to delete the file from the table: - delete object 0 551534088 Be aware that the object is only deleted from the backups and archive tables. It is not removed from other places in the TSM DB. You might be risking database inconsistency. Run an AUDIT DB to prevent future problems. Best regards, Tommy Hueber <> ================================================ De informatie opgenomen in dit bericht kan vertrouwelijk zijn en is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Indien u dit bericht onterecht ontvangt, wordt u verzocht de inhoud niet te gebruiken en de afzender direct te informeren door het bericht te retourneren. Rabobank Nederland is een handelsnaam van de Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A.Rabobank Nederland staat ingeschreven bij de K.V.K. onder nr. 30046259 ================================================ The information contained in this message may be confidential and is intended to be exclusively for the addressee. Should you receive this message unintentionally, please do not use the contents herein and notify the sender immediately by return e-mail. Rabobank Nederland is a trade name of Cooperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A. Rabobank Nederland is registered by the Chamber of commerce under nr. 30046259