On Apr 30, 2008, at 5:52 AM, Robert Ouzen Ouzen wrote:

Hi to all

On windows 2003 , Tsm version client under the directory adsm.sys I have a lot of files as: SystemExcludecache_5558904 TsmcacheDB

Cannot delete those files ….. Tsm Journal Engine is not install and Open file Support is not install

I figure what service is lock those files I tried to stop the Tsm acceptor but still no success !!!! Who is in charge of those files ?????

Robert -

You asked this question on March 19th, and I gather you haven't yet found an answer on this.

This sounds to me like an artifact of using the TSM 5.4+ MEMORYEFficientbackup DISKCACHEMethod, for backups where the client has insufficient memory or wordlength memory addressability to handle a normal Incremental backup. If so, it would be dsmc operating on the files. (CAD is nothing more than an initiator in client scheduling, not involved in backups.)

You haven't yet said in your postings if you've found any problem indications in the dsmsched.log or dsmerror.log: be sure to check those. If nothing, check that the disk being used for the cache location is capacious enough to serve the need: the DISKCACHELocation may be inappropriate. There might be an entry in your Windows Event Log about problems with space. If DISKCACHEMethod is indeed being used, you might re-evaluate if it remains the appropriate choice. Beyond that, contact TSM Support, as there is no mention of TsmcacheDB or SystemExcludecache elements in any of the doc.

   Richard Sims

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