If you only have to keep what is there for 10 years and can allow normal processing of new data going forward... set up a new domain with grace periods to fit your needs... for 10 years 3,666 days will work, my example here is where I had to keep everything for an umlimited period of time. (put in a base backup and archive mgmt that will fit your needs, again, here my example was unlimited) Move whatever nodes need the extended retention over into this domain and rename them something like <existing_name>_10YR Then register the existing name back into their initial domain. This will basically freeze all of the existing data
tsm: XXXXXXXX>q domain unlimited f=d Policy Domain Name: UNLIMITED Activated Policy Set: STANDARD Activation Date/Time: 12/15/2006 13:59:50 Days Since Activation: 501 Activated Default Mgmt Class: UNLIMITED Number of Registered Nodes: 3 Description: Backup Retention (Grace Period): 9,999 Archive Retention (Grace Period): 30,000 Last Update by (administrator): XXXXX Last Update Date/Time: 12/15/2006 13:59:50 Managing profile: Changes Pending: No Active Data Pool List: tsm: XXXXXXXX>q copy unlimited active t=a Policy Policy Mgmt Copy Retain Domain Set Name Class Group Version Name Name Name --------- --------- --------- --------- -------- UNLIMITED ACTIVE UNLIMITED STANDARD No Limit tsm: XXXXXXXX>q copy unlimited active t=b Policy Policy Mgmt Copy Versions Versions Retain Retain Domain Set Name Class Group Data Data Extra Only Name Name Name Exists Deleted Versions Version --------- --------- --------- --------- -------- -------- -------- ------- UNLIMITED ACTIVE UNLIMITED STANDARD No Limit No Limit No Limit No Lim- it tsm: XXXXXXXX> Dwight E. Cook Systems Management Integration Professional, Advanced Integrated Storage Management TSM Administration (405) 253-4397 Ok, we have a requirements to retain all Backup / Archive data that exists in our TSM environment today for 10 years. There's a few "ugly" options, but would it be possible to do the following? Export node from Existing TSM servers to New TSM Server with Archive And Backup Copy Groups set to 10 years retention. I know that just increasing the Archive Copy group on the existing TSM Server's Archives to 10YR will not re-bind those Archive objects, but what if you export a node to a new TSM server with Longer retention Archive Copy Groups will the Archives bind to the new Archive Copy groups on the new TSM server? (I'm hoping so) Appreciate the input!