Apparently the Exchange Admin 's command was trygin to a restore with
the toserver set to the renamed server... Not the active server restore

-----Original Message-----
From: Hart, Charles A 
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2008 11:45 AM
To: 'ADSM: Dist Stor Manager'
Subject: Restoring a "Renamed Exchange TDP" Backup

Got a fun one, maybe someone has ran in to.  We've been performing Daily
Full Exchange Backups with a Indefinite Retention... We finally received
word we can put the Exchange backups on a 35 Day Retention but must
preserve all existing backups.   

1) Renamed Existing Exchange TDP Client Names in TSM from Exchange to

2) Copied the Excisting Exchange Domain to a New Domain Called
Exchange.lgl - as it has the Nolimits for retention.

3)We then updated the exchange.lgl dom=exchange.lgl - So now we have the
Lgl Backup data segregated

4)Updated exiting Exchnage Dom,ain to do a 35 Day Retention

5)Re-registed the orginal Exchange Node Names to the Original 35 Day
Retemtikon Domain

So far So good the Exchange Admin can pull up via TDP GUI and see the
Old backup data with the Exchange.lgl name, but when he tries to restore
to his Recovery Stggroup he gets an error ACN5241E The MS Exchange
Information Store is currently not Running.  

What appears to be happening is that Exchange is expecting the restore
for \\exchange\stggroup1 while we are trying to restore

So we fakes out TSM with the Node Name but now Exchange needs to faked
out or somethin.... Has antone run in to a similar situaltion?  

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