Good rule of thumb: if you can't get inventory expiration done within 6
hours, you've got a degraded environment. You should seriously look at

1) a more robust disk environment for your database
2) the database should be "split" into multiple instances.
Mark Stapleton
CDW Berbee
System engineer
7145 Boone Avenue North, Suite 140
Brooklyn Park MN 55428-1511
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Richard Rhodes
> Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 10:14 AM
> Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Spanking my data.
> "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 01/16/2008
> 10:16:38 AM:
> > But many times, overlap can't be avoided.
> Exactly.
> - we run expiration around the clock.
> - If the disk pool fills, we've got migrations running along with
> - We run movedata/reclamation around the clock. (we coded our own
>     move data script to handle reclamation since it is brain dead on
> picking
>     tapes to process.)
> - Backups run mostly over night, but Oracle log backups that are
>     to TSM occur around the clock.
> - Of course, the are probably restores in here somewhere.
> Partly this was caused by letting a couple TSM servers to grow too big
> before
> we finally started bringing up more instances.  But, in general, TSM
> handles
> it VERY well.  We get an occasional deadlock condition, and movedata's
> often
> fail due to tape contention (and get retried in a couple hour). What
> happened is any data corruption problems (db/log or backups/archives).
> My experience:  Don't be afraid to push TSM.  But you will run into
> problem
> when you push too far (disk contention, tape/drive contention,
> log pins).
> Rick
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