Dave, That's very slick - I bet that page will be bookmarked by thousands (ok, maybe hundreds) before the end of the week!
Nick Cassimatis ----- Forwarded by Nicholas Cassimatis/Raleigh/IBM on 12/21/2007 06:11 PM ----- "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 12/21/2007 01:21:59 PM: > Hey admins, > > First off, warm holiday wishes. If you're whitting down the hours until > vacation, here's something to kill some time and might be useful to you > at some point. > > It seems like I am always asked "How long is that going to take?" > especially when it comes to full backups or restores. Users don't seem > to realize what a multi-faceted question that can be... For restores, I > need to lookup how much data is stored on the server, subtract out how > much has already been restored, calculate time based on its restore rate > (that isn't always wire speed for many reasons,) and then do the time > math to say, "Yes, your restore should be done by 3:30." > > I finally got the time to knock out a small javascript calculator to do > the heavy lifting for me. Maybe it will be useful for you. > > My Time-To-Transfer Calculator > http://www-dave.cs.uiuc.edu/timer.html > > It's self-contained html/javascript so you can copy it locally if you > like, or bookmark it. It works in Firefox and IE, I hope. If you find > bugs, let me know. > > Enjoy, and happy new year! > > Dave