Do you code DB2 parameter LOGARCHMETH1 & 2? My thinking is that since
db2adutl finds logs you ARE coding LOGARCHMETH1 at least. DB2 logs as of
db2 8.2 are archived as TSM archive objects. This means they have a defined
retention period expressed in days since archival.
Get someone with admin access to TSM to issue the TSM query
where $LOGARCHMETH1 is the TSM management class you coded in the DB2
parameter LOGARCHMETH1 (i.e. remove the leading "TSM:").
Pay attention to the Retain Version value returned.
Repeat for LOGARCHMETH2 if you specified that parameter.
I'm guessing from the db2adutl query your Retain Version is set to 3. (You
newest log is dated 4th of December, oldest is dated the 1st of December,
If that is not the case, have you recently run
"db2adutl delete older than 3 days"?
Since db2 does not automatically delete TSM backups, you must be running
"db2adutl delete older than x days" on a regular basis. The retain value
specified in the archive copygroup associated with the management class you
use in LOGARCHMETH1 & 2 must be larger than (or equal to) "x" as specified
in the "db2adutl delete" command. You also need to "backup database ? use
TSM" more frequently than the Retain Version value.
Ken Chamberlain
University of Toronto
.> ------------------------------
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2007 13:51:11 -0800
From: Eduardo Esteban <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: DB2 / TSM Question
Maybe the logs were archived to directory specified by the DB2 database
FAILARCHPATH configuration option.
If an error occurs archiving the logs to the TSM server, the logs are
archived to the directory specified by this option.
"Collins, Brenda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
12/04/2007 12:44 PM
Please respond to
"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU>
DB2 / TSM Question
We are having trouble finding some logs on TSM for db2. I can show that
it was archived successfully but when dba goes to restore, it is not
there. A db2adutl query does not show the file but it does show in the
history. Where did the file go?
Any help would be appreciated! I am not a dba and not sure what activity
may have occurred on the client server itself that would have been reason
for the logs to disappear.
AIX - 5.3
TSM Server
TSM Client
DB2 - Ver. 9
Db2diag.log shows file archive successfully.
2007-12-01- I1273312A372 LEVEL: Warning
PID : 630788 TID : 1 PROC : db2logmgr (IR2) 0
INSTANCE: db2ir2 NODE : 000
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, data protection services, sqlpgArchiveLogFile,
MESSAGE : Successfully archived log file S0322766.LOG to TSM chain 1 from
Db2adutl query
Retrieving LOG ARCHIVE information.
Log file: S0323352.LOG, Chain Num: 1, DB Partition Number: 0, Taken at:
Log file: S0323353.LOG, Chain Num: 1, DB Partition Number: 0, Taken at:
Log file: S0323354.LOG, Chain Num: 1, DB Partition Number: 0, Taken at:
Log file: S0323355.LOG, Chain Num: 1, DB Partition Number: 0, Taken at:
Log file: S0323356.LOG, Chain Num: 1, DB Partition Number: 0, Taken at:
Log file: S0323357.LOG, Chain Num: 1, DB Partition Number: 0, Taken at:
Log file: S0323358.LOG, Chain Num: 1, DB Partition Number: 0, Taken at:
Log file: S0323359.LOG, Chain Num: 1, DB Partition Number: 0, Taken at:
Log file: S0323360.LOG, Chain Num: 1, DB Partition Number: 0, Taken at:
db2 list history archive log since 20071201 for ir2 | grep -i
X D 20071201064845 1 A S0322772.LOG C0000001
Thank you!
Collins, Brenda
Sr. Principle Systems Technologist
tel: 763-514-4969
mobile: 763-218-9596
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