We have been trying to set up two J1a drives in a 3494 for a Windows
instance of TSM.  To test out the drives we have been able to mount
a new 3592 tape with mtlib.  We are then able to run NTUTIL and run some
tests on the drive.  After closing it we try to use mtlib to dismount
tape and put it back in the 3494 slots.  At this point the tape is
put into UNLOAD state sitting in the 3592 tape drive and an
int req pops up on the 3494 indicating the tape has been dropped.

This type of test works fine on our AIX 3592's. We are using the latest
drivers on windows.  We're about ready to put TSM on the windows box
(2003) and see if it interacts any different than mtlib/nutuil tools

Any ideas on what could be messing up the demount function on the


Ron Greve

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