I do not believe you can ARCHIVE the systemstate/services/asr. Only data. And you would specify C:\* and not the \\*\c$.
If they need the system for recovery/BMR then you'll have to switch it to a backup job. That would mean you wound need a 2nd nodename for these servers since you'll be retaining the data differently than the daily incrementals. You could create a policy domain for these nodes (and any future nodes) with just a default management class of 7-years. Then your monthly schedule could be: 1) Create another set of TSM services using the monthly nodename and create an ACT=INCREMENTAL schedule against that nodename 2) Create a .CMD file that runs the DSMC I -VIRTUALNODE=<monthly name> -PASS=<password> and pipe that out to a file. Also don't forget return codes in the script. RC=4 is skipped files. Then your monthly schedule is ACT=COMMAND with an OBJECT of the .cmd file. Don't need a 2nd set of services that way. Or even a 2nd DSM.OPT file. If you need a 2nd DSM.OPT then DSMC I -OPTFILE=<2nd opt file>, but you'll have to make sure and get the password entered and validated. Bill Boyer "Hit any user to continue..." - ?? -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joni Moyer Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 9:00 AM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: Scheduling a full archive of data once/month Hello everyone, After going through all info. on the command and in looking at the 2 servers I would like to archive with this schedule I was wondering if I have the syntax correct if I would want the schedule it to run on the first Saturday of every month at 1 AM and use management class arc2555 and archive ALL data on each nodes that is in the hmig domain: define schedule hmig monthly_archive action=archive options='-subdir=yes -archmc=arc2555' objects='"system state" "system services" asr "\\*\c$" \\*\d$" "\\*e\$"' startd=11/03/2007 startt=01:00 duration=1 duru=hours scheds=enhanced week=first day=Saturday expiration=never Or do I have this completely wrong? Thanks again! Node Name Type Filespace FSID Storage Number of Physical Logical Name Pool Name Files Space Space Occupied Occupied (MB) (MB) ---------- ---- ---------- ----- ---------- --------- --------- --------- CEPROD Bkup SYSTEM 1 CDLA_WIND 6,127 1,317.44 1,317.44 STATE OWS CEPROD Bkup SYSTEM 1 COPY_WIND 6,138 1,345.48 1,345.48 STATE OWS CEPROD Bkup SYSTEM 1 WINDOWS 11 28.05 28.05 STATE CEPROD Bkup SYSTEM 2 CDLA_WIND 160 1,178.72 1,178.72 SERVICES OWS CEPROD Bkup SYSTEM 2 COPY_WIND 180 1,326.59 1,326.59 SERVICES OWS CEPROD Bkup SYSTEM 2 WINDOWS 20 147.91 147.91 SERVICES CEPROD Bkup \\ceprod\ 3 CDLA_WIND 43,117 7,538.64 7,197.77 c$ OWS CEPROD Bkup \\ceprod\ 3 COPY_WIND 43,255 8,910.12 7,330.71 c$ OWS CEPROD Bkup \\ceprod\ 3 WINDOWS 138 132.82 132.82 c$ CEPROD Bkup \\ceprod\ 4 CDLA_WIND 12 23,318.48 23,318.48 e$ OWS CEPROD Bkup \\ceprod\ 4 COPY_WIND 12 23,318.48 23,318.48 e$ OWS CEPROD Bkup ASR 5 CDLA_WIND 42 0.36 0.36 OWS CEPROD Bkup ASR 5 COPY_WIND 47 0.40 0.40 OWS CEPROD Bkup ASR 5 WINDOWS 5 0.05 0.05 CEPROD Bkup \\ceprod\ 6 CDLA_WIND 388,527 21,761.04 21,636.41 d$ OWS CEPROD Bkup \\ceprod\ 6 COPY_WIND 389,816 22,227.84 21,908.65 d$ OWS CEPROD Bkup \\ceprod\ 6 WINDOWS 1,289 272.29 272.29 d$ Node Name Type Filespace FSID Storage Number of Physical Logical Name Pool Name Files Space Space Occupied Occupied (MB) (MB) ---------- ---- ---------- ----- ---------- --------- --------- --------- LETTERSP Bkup SYSTEM 1 CDLA_WIND 9,037 1,870.47 1,870.47 STATE OWS LETTERSP Bkup SYSTEM 1 COPY_WIND 9,048 1,901.26 1,901.26 STATE OWS LETTERSP Bkup SYSTEM 1 WINDOWS 11 30.81 30.81 STATE LETTERSP Bkup SYSTEM 2 CDLA_WIND 160 779.51 779.51 SERVICES OWS LETTERSP Bkup SYSTEM 2 COPY_WIND 180 885.03 885.03 SERVICES OWS LETTERSP Bkup SYSTEM 2 WINDOWS 20 105.55 105.55 SERVICES LETTERSP Bkup \\letters 3 CDLA_WIND 157,130 11,505.19 11,024.20 p\d$ OWS LETTERSP Bkup \\letters 3 COPY_WIND 157,385 12,040.86 11,081.24 p\d$ OWS LETTERSP Bkup \\letters 3 WINDOWS 255 57.00 57.00 p\d$ LETTERSP Bkup ASR 4 CDLA_WIND 42 0.36 0.36 OWS LETTERSP Bkup ASR 4 COPY_WIND 47 0.40 0.40 OWS LETTERSP Bkup ASR 4 WINDOWS 5 0.05 0.05 LETTERSP Bkup \\letters 5 CDLA_WIND 44,318 7,643.96 7,092.39 p\c$ OWS LETTERSP Bkup \\letters 5 COPY_WIND 44,413 8,319.43 7,184.66 p\c$ OWS LETTERSP Bkup \\letters 5 WINDOWS 95 92.22 92.22 p\c$ ******************************** Joni Moyer Highmark Storage Systems, Storage Mngt Analyst III Phone Number: (717)302-9966 Fax: (717) 302-9826 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ******************************** "William Boyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> 10/22/2007 01:57 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> To ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU cc Subject Re: Scheduling a full archive of data once/month I do not believe that the DOMAIN option is valid for the ARCHIVE function. The description for DOMAIN is the drives to be included for incremental backup processing. For ARCHIVE you have to specify what you want processed in the OBJECTS= parameter for the schedule. ARCHIVE also does not process your systemobject, system services or system state objects. If you want to use a schedule and ARCHIVE for everything, you'll need to specify each drive in a separate schedule for each node. OBJECT='C:\* D:\*'for example. It is not dynamic in that if the admin adds a drive, you will need to adjust the schedule to include the new drive. Bill Boyer "Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool." - Murphy -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Larry Clark Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 11:29 AM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Re: Scheduling a full archive of data once/month Something like: 1). def sched <domain> monthlyarch act=archive scheds=enhanced week=first day=saturday options='-subdir=yes -domain="all-local"' expiration=10/30/2014 2). associate your clients with the schedule ----- Original Message ----- From: "Joni Moyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2007 10:49 AM Subject: [ADSM-L] Scheduling a full archive of data once/month > Hello everyone, > > I have just received the task of scheduling an archive of all data > from several windows servers the first Saturday of every month for 7 years. > What is the best method of accomplishing this? I would like to do > this from the TSM server which is an AIX 5.3 TSM server. Any > suggestions are greatly appreciated! > > ******************************** > Joni Moyer > Highmark > Storage Systems, Storage Mngt Analyst III Phone Number: (717)302-9966 > Fax: (717) 302-9826 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] > ********************************