Hi Kelly, Actually it is appearing as mountableinlibrary, but within the physical library which is a SUN SL8500 it looks like it's missing:
ACSSA> display volume N00810 2007-09-26 13:38:55 Display Volume Vol_id Acs Lsm Panel Row Column Pool Status Media Type N00810 0 1 34 8 1 0 missing LTO-200G data I tried to fake out TSM by telling it to move media n00810 stg=tape_ndmp_offsite wherestate=mountableinlib rem=no checkl=no which I thought would then just change the status to mountablenotinlib, but it says that there is no match found for this move which is what I don't understand... Thanks! ******************************** Joni Moyer Highmark Storage Systems, Storage Mngt Analyst III Phone Number: (717)302-9966 Fax: (717) 302-9826 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ******************************** "Kelly Lipp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent by: "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> 09/26/2007 01:44 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> To ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU cc Subject Re: MOVE MEDIA KEEPS FAILING Is this the famous "mountable, not in library" problem? If so, try searching the adsm-l archives for "mountable not in library hell" written by me. I detailed the steps required to get beyond the hell of this... Kelly J. Lipp VP Manufacturing & CTO STORServer, Inc. 485-B Elkton Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80907 719-266-8777 [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Joni Moyer Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 11:39 AM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: [ADSM-L] MOVE MEDIA KEEPS FAILING Hello everyone, I am trying to eject all tapes from my SL8500 library by using the move media function and it keeps failing on tape N00810. Upon further inspection it appears as if N00810 is "missing" physically from the library. Date/Time Message -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- 09/26/07 13:04:32 ANR2017I Administrator LIDZR8V issued command: MOVE MEDIA n00810 stg=tape_ndmp_offsite wherestate=mountableinlib rem=no checkl=n (SESSION: 1608285) 09/26/07 13:04:32 ANR0984I Process 30531 for MOVE MEDIA started in the BACKGROUND at 13:04:32. (SESSION: 1608285, PROCESS: 30531) 09/26/07 13:04:32 ANR0609I MOVE MEDIA started as process 30531. (SESSION: 1608285, PROCESS: 30531) 09/26/07 13:04:32 ANR0610I MOVE MEDIA started by LIDZR8V as process 30531. (SESSION: 1608285, PROCESS: 30531) 09/26/07 13:04:32 ANR6682I MOVE MEDIA command ended: 0 volumes processed. (SESSION: 1608285, PROCESS: 30531) 09/26/07 13:04:32 ANR6691E MOVE MEDIA: No match is found for this move. (SESSION: 1608285, PROCESS: 30531) 09/26/07 13:04:32 ANR0611I MOVE MEDIA started by LIDZR8V as process 30531 has ended. (SESSION: 1608285, PROCESS: 30531) 09/26/07 13:04:32 ANR0985I Process 30531 for MOVE MEDIA running in the BACKGROUND completed with completion state SUCCESS at 13:04:32. (SESSION: 1608285, PROCESS: 30531) Within TSM it appears as follows: Volume Name: N00810 State: Mountable in library Last Update Date/Time: 09/26/07 10:29:07 Location: Storage Pool Name: TAPE_NDMP_OFFSITE Automated LibName: NASLIB Volume Status: Filling Access: Unavailable Last Reference Date: 08/23/07 13:20:16 I had thought that marking it unavailable would prevent it from being moved and I also tried marking it as destroyed and neither access has worked. I also left it as read/write and it failed to move it with that accessibility as well. Does anyone know what can be done in order to work around this tape until it can be found? I have other tapes to eject/move, but the move media command keeps failing on that particular tape. Any help is appreciated! Thanks! ******************************** Joni Moyer Highmark Storage Systems, Storage Mngt Analyst III Phone Number: (717)302-9966 Fax: (717) 302-9826 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ********************************