Here is a simple one I created. It counts all the files by node. The one downside is that if the file is replicated in a copypool it counts it twice. Someone might be able to help write around that if needed:
tsm: TSMSERVX>q script FILE_COUNT f=d Name: FILE_COUNT Line Number: Description Command: # of files per node Last Update by (administrator): BBULLOCK Last Update Date/Time: 02/20/01 09:17:31 Name: FILE_COUNT Line Number: 1 Command: select node_name, sum(num_files) as "number of files" from occupancy group by node_name order by "number of files" Last Update by (administrator): BBULLOCK Last Update Date/Time: 02/20/01 09:17:31 -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nick Laflamme Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2007 11:36 AM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: Object counts per node We haven't done a good job of keeping balanced the number of nodes on our farm of TSM servers, so we're looking at manually moving some of them off of a server whose DB is close to full and can't be easily extended. I can't find, though, any TSM queries that would show me how many files or other objects a node owns. I can find information about how large a filespace is and about how much storage space a node's data takes, but not the number of objects adding up to that much space. Any SQL queries I try to get me into that direction get me "this is a large query" warning, which seem depressingly accurate based on how long I wait for them before giving up. TSM on AIX, so we can't use any new commands from TSM 5.4 yet. The crude way would be to guess that Windows or Mac clients have more small objects and move those first, but if I can be just a wee bit more scientific about this, I'd gladly make the effort. Any suggestions? Thanks, Nick