Hi Sam,

One way to perform Exchange Server snapshot backups when the storage
reside on NetApp volumes is by using TSM for Copy Services.
It drives VSS snapshot backups using Windows VSS architecture.
TSM for Copy Services details can be found here:





"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 08/28/2007
02:52:47 PM:

> We have just started on a conversion of Novell Groupwise to Microsoft
> Exchange 2007 (don't ask why 2007) and are trying to figure out how to
> implement a backup solution using DP for Mail and TSM.
> The Exchange system will be running on Netapp and the consultant has
> proposed using Snapmanager for Exchange to produce snapshots every 4
> hours.  The proposed solution has the last of these being 'verified'
> and mounted to a second server which will do the backup to TSM daily.
> Apparently this 'verification' also involves resetting the logs.
> I pointed out to them that this would essentially be a full backup to
> TSM daily, eventually amounting to 3-4TB of data daily which is
> completely unacceptable in our environment. We currently are doing
> incrementals of GWCopied POs in Groupwise and the volume is only about
> 50-100GB/day.  Seems there should be some way to do say, weekly fulls,
> and logs in between which they were going to try and come up with.  My
> limited understanding of DP for Mail was that it could manage the
> snapshots of databases/logs and allow a full/incremental setup.
> Anyone have a similar setup (Exchange on Netapp) and/or a simple
> explanation of how Snapmanager for Exchange and Data Protection for Mail
> work together?
> Thanks
> Sam Sheppard
> San Diego Data Processing Corp.
> (858)-581-9668

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