It took much work, and we still have on open PMR on the subject, but we have our first MSCluster up and going. The one problem is the TDP agent on the cluster has ceased working. Master, model, and msdb backup with no trouble, but the big production DB dies after about 12-13 minutes. Large, unclustered DBs, backup on the machine regularly, and we backeup this one before defining the cluster. The DBA is sure he has found the solution. When he starts the backup, this is the generated command:
BACKUP failed to complete the command USE master BACKUP DATABASE [ProdDB] TO VIRTUAL_DEVICE=N'TDPSQL-000017B8-0000' WITH BLOCKSIZE=512, MAXTRANSFERSIZE=1048576, NAME=N'full', DESCRIPTION=N'TDPSQL-000017B8-0000 (TDP MS SQL V2)' He's convinced the problem is with the MAXTRANSFERSIZE. If I would change that, everything would work. But it's not a TSM parameter. He says it doesn't appear in MSSQL either. So where does this come from? Is it really the culprit? Support hasn't been very supportive so far, prefering to concentrate on the cluster.