On Aug 22, 2007, at 2:26 PM, Avy Wong wrote:
Hello, I have 3 volumes that after all the investigations(I did all the audits, restore, checkout libv....) , I see that they have been physically removed from the library. Currently their status are 'scratch' . Is there a way to remove the information of 3 volumes from the 'scratch' pool?
First and foremost, do whatever it takes to keep your site staff from interfering with automated systems and structured procedures: removing a tape from a library without procedurally backing it out of application candidacy is bad stuff. The concept here is that tapes enter the scratch pool via Checkin, whereupon they become "libvolumes" - tapes which TSM is assured are in the library. So, you want to perform a Checkout, in this case without any mount or barcode validation. First, use Query Volume to assure that the tapes are not in a storage pool, as possibly because of residual data or via DEFine Volume. After Checkout, if a 3494 lib, use the mtlib command to assure that the volume is no longer in the tape library manager's database. Richard Sims