The client's IP address is saved as part of the node definition (do a q
node f=d and you'll see it.), so that isn't a problem.

However, test the move on ONE client before you flop the IP addresses. 
All the client data will move fine with an EXPORT, but it used to be that
if your server platform changed, the client password wouldn't work

Never got a real explanation of why, something about the way the password
gets encrypted.  Don't know if it's still an issue, but I ran into it a
couple of versions ago going from an AIX to a Windows TSM server.


> Hi Folks,
> we're in the process of replacing one of our TSM servers.
> Old machine is TSM on Solaris,
> New machine is TSM on Win2k3.
> To minimize impact on the clients I thought of this:
> 1. ex/import all nodes/schedules/domains... to new server (some with
> data, some without)
> 2. swap IP-addresses of the servers
> 3. disable sessions on old server, enable on new one
> 4. hope it works...
> Now TSM learns the IP-address of a client at first contact. So the
> question is,
> will the new server import the client address and initiate the
> incremental correctly?
> If I have to manually touch every client, I can also go through a
> step-by-step migration and adjust the optfile to the new servers' IP.
> Anybody has tried this already?
> Best regards,
> Michael
> --
> Dipl.-Inform. (FH) Michael H. Bartl      Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> SpaceNet AG, Technik                          Tel:  089 / 32356-151
> Joseph-Dollinger-Bogen 14                 Fax:  089 / 32356-299
> D-80807 Muenchen                     
> Vorstand: Sebastian v. Bomhard
> Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Alexander Grundner-Culemann
> Firmensitz: München, HRB: 136055 (Amtsgericht München)
> USt-IdNr.: DE813185279

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