Greetings, We are running TSM under AIX. We have a bunch of Windows TDP Exchange clients that are pretty large (500GB), and frequently run past their backup window and into the day. They also were frequently filling up the disk storage pool, so this past week we moved their backups over to a virtual tape device (EMC CDL). This has solved the problem of them dominating our disk storage pool, and migration and backup stgpools are faster as a result, too.
The problem: 1) The performance of the Exchange backup has not improved as we hoped it would. So our problem is probably not on the server side, but the client side. We have monitored network performance, and we aren't constrained there. The Exchange backups are only going to one virtual tape drive at a time; there doesn't seem to be a 'resourceutilization' parameter on the Exchange client. Can they be made to backup to multiple tapes at once? I read about /buffers and /buffersize, but it is not clear if those would help. 2) Another unusual circumstance is that the 'backup stgpool' for the storage pool containing the Exchange data begins running before the clients are done. Sometimes the 'backup stgpool' get stuck waiting for a tape mount, even though the tape is not mounted, and there are plenty of tape drives available to be mounted. I scratched my head about this for awhile, but finally noticed that as soon as the Exchange client finished it's backup, the tape that was waiting to mount indeed mounted and the 'backup stgpool' proceeded from there. Before you say "well, duh!", let me point out that the tape waiting to mount was not in use by the Exchange client, it had a completely different tape mounted. However, the waiting tape was one previously mounted by that Exchange client during it's backup. Does the client backup session keep all it's previous tapes it has used reserved until the session completes? Has anyone seen this behavior before? Best Regards, John D. Schneider Sr. System Administrator - Storage Sisters of Mercy Health System 3637 South Geyer Road St. Louis, MO. 63127 Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Office: 314-364-3150, Cell: 314-486-2359