RMAN backups using different storage pool 1) Verify the TDPO_FS entry in the tdpo.opt file. The standard entry is called adsm-rman. This is a "virtual" filesystem used by RMAN. It doesn't exist physically on the client system, but if I run a query filespace on a node in TSM that is using RMAN, this filesystem is listed.
2) Create a management class called RMAN pointing to the desired storage pool. 3) Create a new include-exclude entry ( or file if it doesn;t exist ) with the following entry : include /adsm-rman/.../* RMAN This entry tells TDP to point the backup ( /adsm-rman ) to the RMAN management class . 4) Modify the RMAN stanza portion of the dsm.sys to point to the newly created include-exclude file. 5) Run the backup and see if it uses the storage pool by doing a q vol on the voluems in the storage pool. The rman files usually begin with df_. NOTE: RMAN uses its own expiration mechanism. Youo have tio keep on top of the DBAs in order to make sure they are expiring their backups properly or you could end up with terabytes of old backups ( been there done that ). What is more fun is when the RMAN catalogue has been deleted and the DAB cannot gracefully purge the backups so you have to manually delete the objects in TSM . Let me know if you have any other questions. Rich -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ben Bullock Sent: Friday, August 03, 2007 2:39 PM To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: [ADSM-L] TDP for Oracle question. I have a question about the TDP for Oracle product. Is there a way to have the RMAN command bind the oracle backups to a specific management class (so it can go to a different storagepool)? To this point we have a separate domain for the TDP clients and only have the 1 required default management class that all clients use. We now would like a subset of the TDP clients to go to a different storagepool for higher availability. At this point I am thinking I might have to just create another domain with a MC that points to this other storagepool and then move the TDP client to the new domain to pick up the new location. Yea? Nay? It's Friday, who cares, I'm outa here is X hours? ;-) Ben