We have a large database, 170Gb and are proposing to our customer that it be separated into multiple servers. Unfortunately when the system was designed, more than half of the nodes were directed to the same tapepool and copypool. The tapepool is collocated by node, the copypool is not. Before migration, I would like to setup new disk,tape and copy pools and split the nodes so they can be easily moved to the new servers since multiple servers cannot own the same tape (the library will be shared). It is easy enough to change the diskpool and write new data to the new tape/copypools, but I have a couple questions about the tapepool and copypool moves of the old data.
Is there an easy way to move the tapepool tapes to a new tapepool or do I need to use the move nodedata commands. I can't rename them since not all of the nodes currently in a pool will be on the same server. I also don't see an update volume command that would allow me to change the pool name. Second, once I have the data on the new tapepool tapes, can I simply run a backup tapepool to the new copypool or do I need to do a move nodedata specifying the old copypool to new copypool. If I do a backup of the new tapepool, what happens to the data currently on the existing copypool, does it disappear or do I need to delete it. Thanks. Debbie Haberstroh Server Administration Northrop Grumman Information Technology Commercial, State & Local (CSL)