Some volumes are deleted and some are not, anyone else had this issue?
Date/Time Message -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- 04/17/2007 21:53:06 ANR0406I Session 502671 started for node LOUCTCWPS01 (WinNT) (Tcp/Ip 502671) 04/17/2007 21:53:14 ANR1343I Unable to delete scratch volume /backuppool/0001B23F.BFS.(PROCESS: 3014) 04/17/2007 21:53:14 ANR1341I Scratch volume /backuppool/0001B23D.BFS has been deleted from storage pool BACKUPPOOL.(PROCESS: 3014) 04/17/2007 21:53:14 ANR0406I Session 502672 started for node LOUCTCWPS01 (WinNT) (Tcp/Ip 502672) 04/17/2007 21:53:18 ANR8337I ECARTRIDGE volume 5T0135 mounted in drive RMT4_0-1-1-1 (/dev/mt2).(PROCESS: 3013) 04/17/2007 21:53:18 ANR0513I Process 3013 opened output volume 5T0135.(PROCESS: 3013) 04/17/2007 21:53:23 ANR0984I Process 3256 for SPACE RECLAMATION started in the BACKGROUND at 21:53:23.(PROCESS: 3256) 04/17/2007 21:53:23 ANR4930I Reclamation process 3256 started for primary storage pool BACKUPPOOL2 automatically, threshold=55, duration=None.(PROCESS: 3256) 04/17/2007 21:53:23 ANR1040I Space reclamation started for volume The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain CONFIDENTIAL material. If you receive this material/information in error, please contact the sender and delete or destroy the material/information.