I will try it !! but the main problem of migrating from disk to tape
using only one tape drive will remain here... due to GPFS expectative to
continuously growth (millions of files // 10 versions) and not lose the
centralized point of view of one node.
The other option is to do move datas from disk to tape to use more tape
drives but I think I am losing stgpools functionality :-(
Skylar Thompson wrote:
Ibán Bernaldo de Quirós Márquez wrote:
I have tried virtualmountpoint without chance (or without
experience)... I meant that I have one TSM for one FS (8.000.000->
today, 16.000.000 of files-> future // 10 versions) This FS is
represented by one node... the first stage is disk... so when I
migrate to tape, I only have one process... :'( :'(
And creating more than one node with virtual mount points seems to me
so tedious to restore...
do you disk at first stage ¿? Or are you backing up to tape directly ¿?
My solution has been to force big files (>1GB at our site) to tape, but
spool small files on disk. You can do this with the MAXSIZE parameter on
your disk storage pool.