Chip, I usually recommend that customers have a separate TSM NODENAME for each SQL Server instance that they back up. This allows for each SQL Server instance to have their data managed separately. I also recommend a separate scheduler instance for similar reasons. Use the '/SQLSERVER=instance-name" option to specify which instance you want to communicate with during backup or restore.
This isn't the only way to approach this, and each customer situation is different depending on how the data for each of the SQL Server instances is related and how you want to manage the data. You need to figure out what works best for your situation. Thanks, Del ---------------------------------------------------- "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 04/10/2007 04:57:38 PM: > Our Helpdesk guru has a machine called TESTHELPDESKWEB, and on it he has 2 > instances of SQL (looks like MSDE). > > > > Anyway, I had already set up backups (with a TDP scheduler) for an instance > called TESTHELPDESKWEB\USERIDS,3948. I had that for the SQLSERVER parameter > in the tdpsql.cfg. Now there is also an instance called TESTHELPDESKWEB,1433. > I'm looking through the TDP docs and Redbooks, but I'm not seeing any > specific documentation on how to back up separate instances. Do I need 2 > separate nodes with a scheduler for each? If so, how do I account for the > instance names, now that there are 2 to account for (as I was doing in > tdpsql.cfg)? Thanks, all!