>> On Wed, 28 Mar 2007 15:21:59 -0700, Francisco Molero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>> said:

> I don't agree with you I think it is a more or les a good product, I
> only detect a problem " Reconcile Files".
> But you can backup and restore stub files from TSM client and you
> can restore one stub and recall the file from HSM and you don't need
> to recall all files.

That's not the problem.  The problem is that, for all files you have
migrated, the active version becomes the stub.  This pushes the last
good "backup" of the file to inactive status, which is retained only
for RETEXTRA days, commonly not too terribly long.

This means that, in order to have a permanent record of your active
files, you now need not just "long retention" for your archives, but
NOLIMIT retention.  Otherwise, files you migrated (say) 5 years ago
will softly and silently vanish away, and you'll never be the wiser
until you try to retrieve them.

This is directly counter to our TSM sense that "The active version of
your files will be around forever".  It made me shudder, once I was
certain that was the answer I was getting from the presenter.  This
alone has led me to a "Not just no, but hell no" response to folks
wanting to deploy it against my TSM servers.  That's just begging for
an ugly surprise in N years.

But anyway, onward: this doesn't daunt you, you've got NOLIMIT on your
archives.  Problem solved?  Yes, but you've introduced another one:
Every time you retrieve a file, it is re-archived.  That means that,
if you have a file which gets looked at every three months, you'll
store that (and copy it offiste) every quarter, even though it's the
same set of bits.  And, since you've got NOLIMIT set, your storage for
these will grow without bound in several axes, one of them related to
size of new data, another related to use rate.  Ew.

- Allen S.Rout

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