
If you want to manage data with different retention times for one
back-up client, I would define 2 nodes on the ITSM server, one for each
dsm.sys entry. By doing so, the data backupped under one dsm.sys entry
will not get expired by the exclude of the other entry.



-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Andrew Carlson
Sent: woensdag 28 maart 2007 17:15
Subject: Expiring Files that Have Been Exluded

We have a situation where we have two entries in our dsm.sys.  One of
the entries contains an inclexcl that excludes certain database
filesystems, though the exlclude is using exclude not exclude.fs.  The
other has no inclexcl, so that when the DB person runs their backup
script, the files are backed up.  He is using selelctive backup
statements.  We thought this all was working, until we noticed, because
we needed a restore, that we did not have as many backup versions as we
thought we should.  What we discovered, is that the backup using the
inclexcl list is expiring backups in those directory.filesystems even
though they are excluded.  Is this the way it works?  Would it work the
same way if we used exclude.fs instead?  the manual says that exclude.fs
and exclude.dir are dropped outright, but for exclude, and etc, it only
says the file is not backed up - it does not specify that the file will
be expired.

Thanks for any input you can provide.

P.S.  TSM on AIX 5.2.8 with Sun Solaris client version 5.3.0.

Andy Carlson
Gamecube:$150,PSO:$50,Broadband Adapter: $35, Hunters License:
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