You're supposed to manage your Administrators passwords from ISC. This is
what about all single signon implementations are about.

In your case, you already received the password expired message from command
line, and changed it. After that, when you try to connect via ISC the
situation is different, you're trying to connect with a "wrong" password.
As in any other system, like unix login for example, it is not a good
security practice to tell the user anything that could give him a clue of
what is wrong and what is correct in his failed login attempt. You would
saying him that he tried (or guessed) a valid user name and a wrong
password. In invalid logins attempts, the better is just say "invalid login
or password used", regarding the user failed to provide one or another (or
both) correctly.

On 3/27/07, Werner Nussbaumer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I can define a new user on a Tivoli Storage Server.

There is an option FORCEPwreset. If the user starts "dsmadmc" in command
mode, it asks "Please enter a new password".

Why is it not asking for a new password in the "Tivoli Storage
Administration Center" if a new password for a TSM server is required?

This is very import also if there are existing Server Connections. There
should be a "new password required" dialog but there is no information
except that the server cannot be connected. In our environment after 3
attempts the user will be locked.

Thanks for any help
Werner Nussbaumer

Helder Garcia

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