I would make sure whatever speed and duplex setting you have the nic set to, you should set the switch port to match. I would try to avoid setting both to autonegotiate, as I have personally seen horrible performance with that setting. Also, run diags on network interfaces to rule out any hardware problems. Are u using a seperate nic for your tivoli backups or are u using just one nic for all network communication on these servers? ------Original Message------ From: Timothy Hughes To: ADSM-L ReplyTo: ADSM-L Sent: Mar 22, 2007 3:33 PM Subject: [ADSM-L] Wiindows 2000 and 2003 servers backups very poor performance
Hello, We have about 5 or 6 Windows Servers whose backups performance is very very poor these backups start a midnight and run throughout the whole day and sometimes run for a couple days I have been reading different options including the DISKBuffsize option, I know poor networking performance can be caused by a number of factors and not sure which parameter to look at first. Here is an example of one of the clients dsm.opt file, They all basically look the same and the parameters matches TSM windows clients recommendations. Lang Ameng Domain ALL-LOCAL TCPSERVERADDRESS xxxx.xxx.xxxxx.xx.xx Passwordaccess generate TCPCLIENTADDRESS xx.xx.xxx.xx NODENAME xxxx SUBDIR YES REPLACE PROMPT TCPB 32 TCPW 63 SCHEDMODE PROMPTED TXNBYTELIMIT 25600 ERRORLOGNAME SCHEDLOGNAME ERRORLOGRETENTION 14 SCHEDLOGRETENTION 7 TCPNODELAY YES RESOURCEUTILIZATION 3 LARGECOMMBUFFERS YES CHANGINGRETRIES 2 COMPRESSION BACKUPREG YES MANAGEDSERVICES WEBCLIENT SCHEDULE Windows 2000 and 2003 servers TSM server 5.3.4 TSM client 5.3.4