If you trust the summary table (which you probably shouldn't) this is interesting for all activity in last 25hr by activity( I overlap 1 hr for my reports). It's a start to add a where clase for just backup activity.
select count(*) as count, - sum(bytes)/1024/1024/1024 as GigaBytes, - activity - from summary - where cast((current_timestamp-start_time)hours as decimal(8,0)) < 25 - or cast((current_timestamp-end_time)hours as decimal(8,0)) < 25 - group by activity Rick btw . . . I have a ksh script that generates a large report each morning of the following reports. We run this against all our tsm servers each morning. It's a fairly ugly AIX ksh script that's highly customized for our site, but it might be useful for someone out there. If interested . . . please email directly. == r000 =============================================================== == morning_report for tsm3 on rsfebkup7p == Sun Mar 4 06:00:02 EST 2007 ======================================================================= = = REPORT INDEX = = r000 report index and beginning time stamp = r005 lib info = r010 activity summary = r015 scratch count = r019 scratch tape usage = r021 reclaimable tapes by pct-reclaim = r022 volume info = r023 volumes per stgpool status and maxscratch = r024 volume average utilization by stgpool = r025 q dr = r030 q path = r035 q mount = r036 drive activity = r040 q db = r045 q log = r050 log consumption and utilization = r055 log pin info (not emailed) = r060 q pro = r065 q sess = r070 q stgpool = r075 q copygroup (not emailed) = r076 q events for exceptions - missed backups (not emailed) = r077 slow backups = r080 db backups = r085 expiration - completions = r090 expiration - detail (not emailed) = r095 drive and media errors = r100 recplan dir listings = r105 q volhost type=dbb = r110 q volhost type=dbs (not emailed) = r120 stgpool volumes: 7 day trend (not emailed) = r125 aix errpt = r129 tdp notes - summary = r130 tdp notes - full (not emailed) = r131 tdp notes - incremental (not emailed) = r132 tdp notes - logs (not emailed) = r140 session per node where count > 1 (not emailed) = r141 q option (not emailed) = r145 occupancy by server = r150 occupancy by domain = r152 occupancy by stgpool = r155 occupancy by node (not emailed) = r157 q audotocc (not emailed) = r160 nodes with no associations = r161 nodes with no associations EXCLUSION LIST = r165 nodes never backed up (not emailed) = r166 zzrt nodes with associations (not emailed) = r170 filespaces not backed up in 7 days (not emailed) = r175 filespaces never backed up (not emailed) = r180 server critical errors = r184 backup objects and bytes per domain (not emailed) = r185 backup objects and bytes per node (not emailed) = r190 q vol (not emailed) = r195 q libvol (not emailed) = r999 report end timestamp Luc Beaudoin <[EMAIL PROTECTED] MCGILL.CA> To Sent by: "ADSM: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Dist Stor cc Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject .EDU> Select command for TOTAL DAILY BACKUP 03/22/2007 02:13 PM Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] .EDU> I have a blank I want to know how many GB I'm taking in backup everyday ... I would like the TOTAL not by nodes ... any ideas thanks Luc Beaudoin Administrateur RĂ©seau / Network Administrator Hopital General Juif S.M.B.D. Tel: (514) 340-8222 ext:8254 ----------------------------------------- The information contained in this message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or an agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error and that any review, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately, and delete the original message.