
That should work as well, you will just want to make sure
that all the filespaces are renamed in the same manner,
following the naming standard.

For example, assume you original filespaces are:

Rename to:

In other words, make sure you rename all of the filespace
in a similar pattern because the data for a single databases
is split between multiple filespaces, depending on how
many stripes you used to perform the backup.

I tried this on my test server, and it worked fine with 3 stripes.
I was able to do a restore from the renamed filespaces.
They backup appear in the GUI under the server names "SERVER1-R".




"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 03/14/2007
11:38:41 PM:

> Del,
> I had the APAR in front of me as I started to type, but my
> symptoms appeared to be different.  But I tried the rename
> node and rneame filespace approach and it worked just fine.
> However, that requires the sysadmin to change both the
> dsm.opt and the scheduled service.  With a couple of dozen
> machines amd sysadmins saying why me?, I got to wondering if
> I couldn't get the same results if I just renamed the
> filespaces without renaming the node. Tjat doesn't require
> the intervention of the sysadmin.  I'm going to try that on a
> test machine in the morning.

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