I have an application from Nice Systems which uses the TSM API to archive files but it is not working. It only seems able to create filespaces but not actually place the file on the TSM host. And no errors are being generated anywhere. There is a TSM API Tester that comes with the TSM client that I would like to use to see if the problem is on my end or in the application but my problem is I don't know what to feed the API tester during the archive prompts. Using the api tester, dapismp.exe, I can log on successfully but don't know how to answer these questions: highlevel, lowlevel, object type (d/f), object owner name, wait for mount (y/n), seed string, mgmt class override.
The host is an AIX-RS/6000 box with TSM Server Version 5, R2, Level 7.1. The client is Windows Server 2000 SP4, TSM CLient version 5, R3, Level 3.0. Has anyone used this before, know what kind of answers are needed or know where to find the documentation for the api tester? I have been unsuccessful in my searches. Thanks in advance ....