When you take a DP/Exchange "FULL" backup, it will "expire" all previous
versions of ALL backups types for that storage group.
You should adjust your policy settings to take that into consideration
if you want to base it on "number of versions".

However.. in looking at what you are trying to do, it appears
that you really should be keeping backups based on "time", not versions.
I would recommend a change in how you have your policy set up.
If you want to keep Exchange backups based on time, you should
use something like this:

> Policy    Policy    Mgmt      Copy      Versions Versions   Retain
> Domain    Set Name  Class     Group         Data     Data    Extra Only
> Name                Name      Name        Exists  Deleted Versions
> --------- --------- --------- --------- -------- -------- --------
> EXCHANGE  ACTIVE    COPY      STANDARD   Nolimit  Nolimit      365 365
> EXCHANGE  ACTIVE    FULL      STANDARD   Nolimit  Nolimit       40 40
> EXCHANGE  ACTIVE    LOG       STANDARD   Nolimit  Nolimit       40 40

That way, if you perform adhoc backups for other reasons, it won't
influence your retention periods. Using your technique (based on
if you had to run 5 FULL backups in one day for some reason, you would
some of your full backups that you wanted to keep for 40 days.




"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 01/31/2007
04:19:37 PM:

> Hello,
> our environment
> tsm server
> tsm client
> TDP for Exchange
> Exchange 2003, SP1, OS=w2k
> we have theese copygroups
> Policy    Policy    Mgmt      Copy      Versions Versions   Retain
> Domain    Set Name  Class     Group         Data     Data    Extra Only
> Name                Name      Name        Exists  Deleted Versions
> --------- --------- --------- --------- -------- -------- --------
> EXCHANGE  ACTIVE    COPY      STANDARD        13        1      365 365
> EXCHANGE  ACTIVE    FULL      STANDARD         5        1       40 40
> EXCHANGE  ACTIVE    LOG       STANDARD         1        1       40 40
> we do every day incr. backups with mgtclass log, every week full backups
> with mgmtclass full and once per month
> copy backup with mgmtclass copy. All under one nodename.
> What we want to have is  5 versions of full backup= 5 weeks and 13
> of copy backup= 13 months.
> now what we discover..
> full backup is influencing our copy backups, after one new full backup
> taken, all except the newest copy backup expires!!
> what went wrong?
> i have tested this also with tdp for exchange and and
> server 5.3.4. All the same behaviour.
> We do our yearly backups under another nodename as copy backup type
> (mgmtclass yearly, not mentioned above), everything works fine.
> with best regards and thanks for your comments
> stefan savoric

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