On Jan 31, 2007, at 8:02 AM, Lee, Gary D. wrote:
Tsm server, running on solaris 2.8. I would like to restrict a tsm script from running between the hours of 4:00 and 9:00 aa.m..
Hello, Gary - One technique is to have a schedule do like: DEFine SCRipt SCRIPT1_DONOTRUN "exit" at 04:00 and then at 09:00 do DELete SCRipt SCRIPT1_DONOTRUN Then, in your TSM script (we'll call it SCRIPT1), test for the existence of that "do not run" indication with: select * from script_names where name='SCRIPT1_DONOTRUN' if (rc_ok) goto NADDA ... Things to do if should run ... NADDA: exit Richard Sims http://people.bu.edu/rbs/