
PAC Brion Arnaud wrote:
> Hi Rainer,
>>> I just installed TSM 5.4 on AIX and ... the old WEB interface is
> running
> I'm really curious to know which version of AIX you have : is it the
> last one (5.3 TL 05) ?
The test server is running on AIX 5.2 TL09 SP2.
> The "transition" version of web interface was not supposed to run with
> AIX 5.3 ML > 02 if I remember properly ...
Not really.
Our main server is running on AIX 5.3 TL05 SP03
> If you found a way overpassing this limitation, I would be glad to know
> how !
The "trick" is very simple.... some AIX 5.3 TLs are not working with the
old WEB GUI.
If I you use TL5 you should have no problems (with SP3 or higher).

> Cheers.
> Arnaud
  Rainer Tammer
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> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Rainer Tammer
> Sent: Wednesday, 31 January, 2007 10:30
> Subject: Re: TSM 5.4 cautions
> Hello,
> Allen S. Rout wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 29 Jan 2007 18:15:33 +0100, Remco Post <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> said:
>>> indeed. In my nim-environment these don't show up in the fileset
>>> selection, so it took me some time to get them installed. After that,
>>> everything is fine. I guess there are some glitches in the installp
>>> packages :(
>> Can you still get the old web interface up?
> I just installed TSM 5.4 on AIX and ... the old WEB interface is
> running.
> But I think it may be possible that some changes to the dsmserv.idl file
> are needed.
> The definition of a new node and the actlog query are working.
>> - Allen S. Rout
> Bye
>   Rainer Tammer

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