The other major version of Java is from Sun. There is a similar DST
patching tool available from Sun. See these links:

Roger Deschner      University of Illinois at Chicago     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Fri, 19 Jan 2007, Richard Rhodes wrote:

>products more than once.
>Several products we use (not aix or tsm) that vendors had indicated did not
>need patching have
>recently been changed to require patches.  Most of these have to do with
>Java apps.
>Here is a comment from HP's web site
> The new daylight savings time changes for 2007 not only affects the OS
> which
> can easily be patched with patches that modify the tzdata file but has
> also an
>  impact on java as it maintains it's own internal tables.
> This is a more serious problem since many java applications use older java
>  versions that do not support the new DST rules and will not work using a
> more recent java version that do.
> IBM has issued a tool called the java time zone updater: JTZU, which
> searches
>  for all installed versions of java and updates the EXISTING versions with
> the
> new DST rules; thus relieving the need to install a more recent java
> version
>  that may break installed apps.
> Although you can download versions of that tool for most OS including
> Windoze
> and HP-UX it is stated that the tool will only work with java versions
> issued by IBM :-(
> Does anybody know if such a tool will be made available for HP java
> versions too ?
> What is the point of providing a HP-UX version if no IBM java is installed
> on HP-UX ?
>             Lawrence Clark
>             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>             WAY.STATE.NY.US>                                           To
>             Sent by: "ADSM:           ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU
>             Dist Stor                                                  cc
>             Manager"
>             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     Subject
>             .EDU>                     Re: Daylight Savings patch?
>             01/18/2007 04:06
>             PM
>             Please respond to
>             "ADSM: Dist Stor
>                 Manager"
>             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>                   .EDU>
>must have seen different docs. One I saw said applied to 5 and 4.3
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/18/07 3:34 PM >>>
>This patch mentioned below is just a "workaround" and is for old AIX
>systems, as 4.3 is no longer supported by IBM.  (I guess may work on
>other older flavors of UNIX also, not sure.) If you are on AIX 5L,
>there is a specific APAR fix or just upgrade to current
>Maint Level/Technical level will include it.
>David Longo
>>>> Lawrence Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/18/07 2:54 PM
>I don't have the doc , but the 'patch' is an entry into
>then reboot
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/18/07 2:40 PM >>>
>We are running TSM server on AIX.  Will a patch to that
>release be needed due to the change in Daylight Savings Time start
>We also have various levels of the TSM client software on AIX and
>Windows servers. This may be too general a question, but... will a
>DST patch be needed for any of the client versions?
>thank you,
>Keith Arbogast
>Bloomington, Indiana
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