Go to the site in my sig, and search on ANS1009W.



Andy Raibeck
IBM Software Group
Tivoli Storage Manager Client Development
Internal Notes e-mail: Andrew Raibeck/Tucson/[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Internet e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

IBM Tivoli Storage Manager support web page:

The only dumb question is the one that goes unasked.
The command line is your friend.
"Good enough" is the enemy of excellence.

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 12/11/2006
11:07:24 AM:

> Good morning,
> I am in the process of updating my WIN2K3 clients to (in
> accordance to the recent critical alert TSM announced a couple days ago
> APAR IC50347), and I am receiving an error message that I cannot seem to
> find any answers to.
> After updating my client node, I start the TSM Client Acceptor and
> instantly receive the following error message.
> 12/11/2006 10:29:26 ANS1009W An error occurred processing the operating
> system include/exclude statements.
> The error was detected while processing:
> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\BackupRestore\FilesN
> otToBackup\DRM. RC = 13.
> I use client options for my WIN2Kx servers, so I am a little confused as
> to why the clo works with previous client and not the new one... if
> indeed that is the problem.
> Here is my client opt... can anyone shine some light on this for me
> please.
> def clo WINDOWS desc="Unknown - "
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude "*\ntuser.dat"" force=No seq=0
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude "*\ntuser.dat.log"" force=No
> seq=1
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude "*\usrclass.dat"" force=No seq=2
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude "*\usrclass.dat.log"" force=No
> seq=3
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude "*:\microsoft uam volume\...\*""
> force=No seq=4
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude "*:\...\EA DATA. SF"" force=No
> seq=5
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude *:\IBMBIO.COM" force=No seq=6
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude *:\IBMDOS.COM" force=No seq=7
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude *:\MSDOS.SYS" force=No seq=8
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude *:\IO.SYS" force=No seq=9
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude *:\...\system32\config\...\*"
> force=No seq=10
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude *:\...\system32\Perflib*.dat"
> force=No seq=11
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude *:\...\system32\dhcp\...\*"
> force=No seq=12
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Include
> *:\...\system32\dhcp\backup\...\*" force=No seq=13
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude *:\...\system32\dns\...\*"
> force=No seq=14
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Include
> *:\...\system32\dns\backup\...\*" force=No seq=15
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude.dir "*:\System Volume
> Information"" force=No seq=16
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude.dir "*:\...\Temporary Internet
> Files"" force=No seq=17
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude.dir *:\Recycled" force=No seq=18
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude.dir *:\Recycler" force=No seq=19
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude c:\hp\hpsmh\logs\error_log"
> force=No seq=20
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude c:\hp\hpsmh\logs\access_log"
> force=No seq=21
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude
> c:\hp\hpsmh\data\cgi-bin\vcagent\vcagent.log" force=No seq=22
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude "c:\Documents and Settings\All
> Users\Application Data\Network
> Associates\VirusScan\OnAccessScanLog.txt"" force=No seq=23
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude "c:\Documents and Settings\All
> Users\Application Data\Network Associates\Common Framework\Db\*.log""
> force=No seq=24
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Include "c:\Documents and Settings\All
> Users\Application Data\Network Associates\Common
> Framework\Db\*_backup.log"" force=No seq=25
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude c:\windows\temp\...\*" force=No
> seq=26
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude c:\winnt\temp\...\*" force=No
> seq=27
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "Exclude.dir c:\adsm.sys" force=No seq=28
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "exclude *:\...\*.mdf" force=No seq=29
> def clientopt WINDOWS INCLEXCL "exclude *:\...\*.ldf" force=No seq=30
> def clientopt WINDOWS SCHEDMODE "prompted" force=No seq=31
> def clientopt WINDOWS TXNBYTELIMIT "25600" force=No seq=32
> Gregory J Yuzik
> Senior Network Analyst
> ARC Resources Ltd

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