Finally, someone with as twisted a mind as mine! 

Kelly J. Lipp
VP Manufacturing & CTO
STORServer, Inc.
485-B Elkton Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80907

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Robert Clark
Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] copypools on disk on AIX?

You have volf and roundrobin. Sounds like a fairytale to me.


On Dec 4, 2006, at 1:15 PM, Lawrence Clark wrote:

> Two oddities I notice so far:
> 1). I created a devclass with vola-vole then started the copypool 
> creations.
> I subsequently added volf. While it has created volumes in volf, only 
> a few.
> It seems to use a roundrobin algorithm and since it had created a lot 
> of volumes before the devclass def was updated to include volf, volf 
> has gotten little use.
> 2).TSMMANAGER daily reports shows write errors to many of the volumes.
> I think
> this is generated when the 'volume' is full, because otherwise I can 
> view the contents of the volume and the scheduled copyool creations 
> completed succ4essfully over the weekend.
> Space 'Volume' usage imbalance:
> /dev/lvvgsata2 1042022400  25190448   98%      260     1%
> /var/diskpool/satacopy
> vola
> /dev/lvvgsata3 1042022400  29388856   98%      258     1%
> /var/diskpool/satacopy
> volb
> /dev/lvvgsata4 1042022400  20906952   98%      262     1%
> /var/diskpool/satacopy
> voc
> /dev/lvvgsata5 1042022400   8396816  100%      263     1%
> /var/diskpool/satacopy
> vold
> /dev/lvvgsata6 1042022400  25190448   98%      259     1%
> /var/diskpool/satacopy
> vole
> /dev/lvvgsata1 1042022400 1037871320    1%       17     1%
> /var/dispool/satacopy
> volf
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/04/06 2:08 PM >>>
> This looks good, but I would still create these volumes using define 
> vol numberofvol rather than letting TSM create them.
> Kelly J. Lipp
> VP Manufacturing & CTO
> STORServer, Inc.
> 485-B Elkton Drive
> Colorado Springs, CO 80907
> 719-266-8777
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
> Of Lawrence Clark
> Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 11:43 AM
> Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] copypools on disk on AIX?
> Yes, thank you.
> After posting my question I went to the 5.3 Admin Ref and saw I needed

> a file type device class for copypools. Defined then, changed the 
> script, and since TSM saw them as a new copypool it copied all the 
> data over, over this past weekend. about 2 TB of copypool data.
> We just have the large volumes ( that are RAID5) on a DS4800. TSM auto

> creates the volumes:
> /var/diskpool/satacopyv-  CPSATABG     CPSATABG      2,048.0    0.0
> Empty
>  oc/00008733.BFS
> /var/diskpool/satacopyv-  CPSATABG     CPSATABG      2,048.0   77.1
> Filling
>  oc/00008738.BFS
> /var/diskpool/satacopyv-  CPSATABG     CPSATABG      2,048.0   51.4
> Filling
>  oc/0000873E.BFS
> /var/diskpool/satacopyv-  CPSATABG     CPSATABG      2,048.0   98.6
> Filling
>  oc/00008743.BFS
> /var/diskpool/satacopyv-  CPSATABG     CPSATABG      2,048.0   98.6
> Filling
>  oc/00008747.BFS
> From AIX mounted filesystem view:
> /dev/lvvgsata2 1042022400         0  100%      266     1%
> /var/diskpool/satacopy
> vola
> /dev/lvvgsata3 1042022400         0  100%      265     1%
> /var/diskpool/satacopy
> volb
> /dev/lvvgsata4 1042022400         0  100%      266     1%
> /var/diskpool/satacopy
> voc
> /dev/lvvgsata5 1042022400         0  100%      265     1%
> /var/diskpool/satacopy
> vold
> /dev/lvvgsata6 1042022400         0  100%      265     1%
> /var/diskpool/satacopy
> vole
> /dev/lvvgsata1 1042022400 1037871320    1%       17     1%
> /var/dispool/satacopy
> volf
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/04/06 12:24 PM >>>
> We tried file device class with our onsite pool with disappointing 
> results.
> I believe the problem was our decision not to stripe across LUN's.
> This
> would have made performance much better, at the cost of a LUN failure 
> causing more damage than if we used them indicidually.  Now, I can't 
> remember the last time I saw a LUN failure, but YMMV.  We will 
> probably address this issue again when the decision is made to move 
> our copy pool to disk.
> On 12/1/06, Lawrence Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We are migrateing our copypool from cartridge to a DS4800.
>> From the manuals copypools only support FILE type devices.
>> My assumptions ( on AIX) are:
>> -I create logical volumes and file systems -Define the device class 
>> -TSM then creates the files in the filesystem
>> Anyone ever done this with copypools on AIX?
>>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 12/01/06 9:56 AM >>>
>> Know of anyone using a vaulting service with transmissions over the 
>> Internet with TSM? We're at capacity and looking for options.
>> Regards,
>> Orin
>> Orin Rehorst
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> --
> Andy Carlson
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