On Nov 8, 2006, at 6:48 PM, Gill, Geoffrey L. wrote:

11/07/2006 22:41:52 ANS1005E TCP/IP read error on socket = 624,
errno =
10054, reason : 'An existing connection was forcibly closed by the
remote host.'.

Obviously, you need to look in the server Activity Log for the
reason, as the TSM server is "the remote host".

The bigger picture is that TSM's client-server programming isn't all
that it should be: When the server consciously terminates its session
with the client for session timeout or other reasons, it should
clearly communicate that so that the client may emit an equally clear
message to the client administrator, who may then immediately
understand what the issue is.  Instead, the client messages are
cryptic, and a fishing expedition has to be undertaken to finally
uncover what's the matter.  Please, respect customer time.
"Enterprise" level software should operate better than this,
particularly at these prices.

   Richard Sims

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