On Mon, Oct 30, 2006 at 11:38:17AM -0700, Ben Bullock wrote: > http://as400bks.rochester.ibm.com/tividd/td/TSMC/GC32-0787-02/en_US/HTML > /ans10008.htm > [...] > If only the following items change, they are updated without causing the > entire file to be backed up to the server:
This means that the TSM client won't send a new copy of the file to the TSM server, but just tells the TSM server the new attributes of the file. The TSM server then destroys the old attributes, and stores the new ones. This can be a problem when a backup runs after a runaway chmod (or the equivalent on your OS): you cannot restore the old permissions without reverting to older versions of the file (if there are any). -- Jurjen Oskam