To your question you only need the value you typed to generate the key the first time. You will be prompted to type it again and it will then encrypt the key again and store it in the registry. Entries in the registry can be exported and then imported on another server. Exporting the keys from the registry using the MS's regedit on one system and then importing them somewhere else may work but I think Andy may need to chime in on that. Roger Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi,
My client has asked me if there is a way to export the EncryptKey but I have not found any documention talking about this. The reason for this I assume would be in case of a system crash. I know the EncryptKey is kept on both the client side in the registry and I believe on the server side as well. If the system was to crash, do you still only need the Encryption Password to restore the data? Would this be just as if you did not use the "SAVE" option and instead you used the "PROMPT" option? Thanks again for your info. Roger --------------------------------- Talk is cheap. Use Yahoo! Messenger to make PC-to-Phone calls. Great rates starting at 1ยข/min.