
If you're absolutely sure you don't need the data anymore, use "delete
vol xxxx discard=yes" : this will delete any reference to the files in
this volume from TSM DB. Note that offsite copies from those files will
be deleted as well !!!

Regarding labelling, you should put the volumes in the library slots,
and issue "label libv your_library_name search=bulk labelsource=barcode
overwrite=yes status=[scratch] or [private]".
Remember TSM has a pretty good online help : "help label libv".



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-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Mario Behring
Sent: Wednesday, 04 October, 2006 15:53
Subject: reusing and labeling tapes

Hi list,

I want to reuse some tapes that have valid data on it, the data does not
interest me though. Is there any way I can cause this data to become
expired and then reuse the tape as scratch (maybe changing mgmtclass
parameters and using the expire inventory or something like that???) ??
I just want some method to clean tapes or at least make them available
again for reuse.

I have a 3580 DLT3 manual library, single drive, what is the best way to
label the tapes before using them ?

Thanks in advance.


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