>> On Mon, 18 Sep 2006 12:18:36 -0400, Paul Zarnowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>   2. How many TSM sites would actually want to do this?
>   I.e., is there reason to submit a requirement for this, or are we just
>         trying to do something that not many folks ever want to do?

I think that it's a small minority who'd use such a facility, and
getting smaller all the time; especially with things like the TSM
Express stuff coming along.

Now, I'm _in_ that minority, and it might in fact be a majority of us
ADSM-L denizens.  But we already know we're the creme de la creme ;)

- Allen S. Rout
- Remember, tomorrow is Talk Like A Pirate Day! http://www.talklikeapirate.com/

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