On one of the instance you will delete the library and then create a new 
"shared" library.  When you run the audit library command on a library client 
it updates the library manager updates it's volhist to show that the volumes in 
its library are remote and not belong to the other instnace.
  We had a server that we wanted to retire but it had been the library manager. 
We simply made one of the other library clients the manager.  Due to the fact 
that this new instance had no information about any of the library clients we 
found we only had to run the audit library command on all the library clients 
after they were pointed to the new library manager.
  Seems like this same approch would work for you.

Kathleen M Hallahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Last week, Bill Boyer posted a message (which I no longer have) about
splitting a database and library sharing. and ownership of tapes. I saw
one response suggesting exporting and importing the data, but nothing

Did anyone ever come up with other ideas on this? I'm actually getting
ready to do something similar, splitting a very large TSM database by
loading a duplicate instance onto the same AIX server and then selectively
deleting from each. I'm presuming that using the TSM library sharing
function will create the same ownership issue for us as Bill is/was
experiencing. There is far too much data for export/import to be

In our case, all of the tapes for one (legacy) instance will reside
outside of the library unless needed for a specific restore, and no new
data will be added. Can I leave the library definitions intact in the
second instance, and just make sure the two systems never have the same
drive online at the same time? I would then check tapes into the legacy
instance of TSM when restores were required. As this is old data, it
would only happen on an occasional basis.

We're on TSM on AIX 5.2, using a 3584 with LTO2 drives.



Kathleen Hallahan
Freddie Mac

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