There is no need to install win2K first. Simply use an application like nLite to create a windows installation CD that will install 
Windows 2003 into C:\winnt\.  Creating the CD from your existing Windows 2003 
CD is much faster than installing two OS's at the time of restore.
  You can use nLite do do many other things too, like slipstream the service 
pack into the installation. You will need that as well if you are trying to 
recovery a Windows 2003 that had SP1 installed on it to dissimilar hardware.

"Schaub, Steve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  And of course the "gotcha" in restoring W2k3 machines that have been
upgraded from W2k is that you also have to follow that same path in DR -
install a W2k and then upgrade to W2k3 before restoring, otherwise your
systemstate restore will never work.
Steve Schaub
Systems Engineer, WNI
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee
423-535-6574 (desk)
423-785-7347 (cell)

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Mark Stapleton
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [ADSM-L] Win2003 Full system restore

"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" wrote on 09/05/2006
10:09:14 AM:
> For 2003, you need to be running at least client 5.2.3, or it isn't 
> going to work.
> TSM 5.3.2 is better.
> Look in the client manual under "ASR".
> Works like a champ.

...except if having a DHCP server on the desired network segment is a
problem. ASR restore will NOT work without one, and that's an issue in
many server rooms.

You can do a complete system rebuild without the ASR process. Basically
(and this is just a skeleton):

1. Install the Windows OS, including the service pack present at the
time of the failure. (You don't have to worry about the hotfixes and
patches.) Get the network card going.
2. Install the TSM client used at the time of failure. Configure it
3. Restore all non-systemdisk (usually C:) drives with TSM.
4. Restore the C: drive. DO NOT REBOOT EVEN IF ASKED TO.
5. Restore the systemservices. DO NOT REBOOT EVEN IF ASKED TO.
6. Restore the systemstate.
7. NOW, reboot the system.

You should be back in business.

Please, please drill this process. You should practice disaster recovery
before you HAVE to.

Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) US Bank MR Backup and
Recovery Management
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