In working with IBM3584 library,  after a tape is checkout of the library
into I/O bin, using tapeutil command, if inventory is queried it will
display checkout name volume and source element address where it came from.
The library has been partitioned into two libraries smc0 and smc1 and this
checked out tape volume came from smc0 with source element address 1033.
I would like to check this tape volume into smc1, but this source element
it came from is not part of  smc1 so cannot be checked in.  When tried to
check in this tape into smc1, received ANR8828E

ANR8828E Slot element number of library library name is inaccessible

Import/Export Station Address 769
  Import/Export State ............ Normal
  ASC/ASCQ ....................... 0000
  Media Present .................. Yes
  Media Placed by Operator ....... No
  Import Enabled ................. Yes
  Export Enabled ................. Yes
  Robot Access Allowed ........... Yes
  Source Element Address ......... 1033
  Media Inverted ................. No
  Volume Tag ..................... XXXXXXL1

Thus far, only way to check this tape into the library smc1 is to remove
from the i/o door and insert it back in so that library will think this
tape is a new tape and source element address is blank.
My question is can this operation can be done without a manual
intervention? if so how ?   Is there a way to clear source element address
1033 via command line?


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