"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" <ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU> wrote on 07/12/2006
01:47:01 PM:
> So -- for those of you using DRM -- how do you get the plan file and
> associated scripts off-site? I'm running on AIX; the system has the TSM
> tape library and a DVD-RAM drive. The hotsite system is in the same boat
> -- so floppy is out. And a mksysb to the DVD drive takes about 4 hours
> to write, so that won't be a daily occurance.

For true DR capabilities, mail the prepare statements offsite to a
location that is accessible anywhere, like a gmail or yahoo mail account.
There's nothing proprietary in the prepare statement, so there are no
privacy or compliance issues.

(Don't send your prepare statements to a hotmail account, however. Reading
the hotmail EULA (from Microsoft, naturally) indicates that all data
stored in a hotmail account become the intellectual property of MS.


Mark Stapleton ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
US BankMR Backup and Recovery Management
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