Here's a con: 

Linux is UNIX, from TSM's point of view.
So there is no easy way to "switch" a TSM server platform if you need to
retain existing data.
You can't restore a Windows TSM data base to a Linux TSM server.

If your client situation is such that you can crank up a Linux server
and point your clients there, and start your backups anew (and the
passwords will have to be set on the client scheduler), that's fine.
Easy enough.

BUT, if you want to carry over the old data, you have to use
EXPORT/IMPORT.  Very labor intensive.

Wanda Prather
"I/O, I/O, It's all about I/O"  -(me)

-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Dennis, Melburn W IT743
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 9:25 AM
Subject: Linux vs. Windows TSM Server Environment

 My upper management wants me to provide them with some pros/cons of
switching from our current Windows 2K3 TSM server environment to a Linux
based one.  Is there anyone here that could provide me with a list of
pros/cons of both these systems, or know where I could find
documentation on this?
Mel Dennis
Systems Engineer - IT743
Siemens Power Generation
4400 Alafaya Trail
Orlando, FL 32826
MC Q1-108
Tel:  (407) 736-2360
Win:  439-2360
Fax: (407) 243-0260

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