Hi, What kind of platform are you using for the database... ¿?
If it is UNIX you will need to use If I remember well, the gcc compiler... it is a C/C++ compiler if you invoke directly it will show you the parameters to use... Remembering ;-)) gcc -o <output_file> <input_file> It is necessary to modify(for the environment) and compile the userexit file... Regards, Ibán Bernaldo de Quirós Márquez Technical Specialist cell: + 34 659 01 91 12 Sun Microsystems Iberia -----Original Message----- From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager on behalf of zareyna Sent: Tue 04/07/2006 12:09 To: ADSM-L@VM.MARIST.EDU Subject: [ADSM-L] Backup DB2 using TSM Hi all, I'm quiet new to TSM and need your expert advice and view. Currently I'm trying to backup a db2 using TSM on the SAN. Base on the manual, there is one step where in need to compile the user exit. Is this step necessary especially on the compiling the file. I don't have the compiler. Thanks, Regards, Zareyna Salim