
For windows based servers, the server scripts - if you mean the TSM
command scripts. They are stored in the TSM database, therefore not
ordinarily** accessible outside of TSM. (ie located in a Windows
directory file structure)

To view the server scripts, run the following from the TSM server
command line.

Query script f=d   (q scr f=d)                detailed format
Query script f=l    (q scr f=l)                 line format, probably
more useful

If you are familiar with the select statements;

Select * from scripts

**However, you can also output the script to a text file using the
following command

query script test  format=raw outputfile=c:\tsmscripts\test.txt

Conversely, you can create a script in TSM from a text file

define script test file=c:\tsmscripts\test.txt

For the drives that are being backed up, from a TSM command prompt;

query filespace * (q fil *)

Again, if you are familiar with select statements, the following will
give you a list of the NTFS filespaces (drives).

select node_name,filespace_name from filespaces where

The include/excludes are a little more difficult. To my knowledge there
is no central repository. The only method I am aware of is to visit each
server and investigate the dsm.opt file or the inclexcl file, as
specified in the dsm.opt.

One last point, as a large number of the posters are stateside, you may
find replies will be scarce (today) as it is July 4th, Independence Day.



-----Original Message-----
From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Matthews, Gary
Sent: 04 July 2006 09:47
Subject: [ADSM-L] Newbie questions - File locations


New to TSM ( but learning - picking up bits slowly from this list :-) )
, looking after a W2K3 system that was set up by someone else. Trying to
collate some data that's hasn't been documented anywhere, and was hoping
you guys could help.

1) Where are the server scripts kept?

2) Drives being backed up and include/excludes have not been documented
- I know you can check through the GUI on each client but where are
these selections kept? Are they in easily accessible files?



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