
This is an interesting problem.  But, what is the goal of the customer regarding
backups ?  Disaster recovery, occasional file restores, regulatory requirements,
or something else ?

If one kills a backup run before it completes one does not have a backup of some
stuff.  Conceivably some files could never be backed up.

They need to either have enough resources to do a backup to completion or decide
what they don't want backed up so the backup will complete on the files they
need backed up.

Again, one needs to determine the goal of the backup.  Why run backups if one
could never backup a file(s) ?


Joe Crnjanski wrote:

I have a customer who wants to run backup only during specific time
window; from 10pm to 4am.

That means when backup starts at 10pm, and runs until 4am, and even if
at 4am there are more files to be backed up, he wants backup to stop and
to be rescheduled for next backup cycle.

Any ideas appreciated.

Joe Crnjanski
Infinity Network Solutions Inc.
Phone: 416-235-0931 x26
Fax:     416-235-0265

Richard Hammersley
Xavier University

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