Aaron Becar wrote:
> Here is the error that I receive when I run the command:
> delete volume /tsm/tsmdisk4/vol1.dsm discard=y
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> 06/19/2006 15:03:41      ANR2017I Administrator AARON issued command:
> DELETE VOLUME /tsm/tsmdisk4/vol1.dsm discard=y (SESSION: 19405)
> 06/19/2006 15:03:43      ANR2017I Administrator AARON issued command:
> DELETE VOLUME /tsm/tsmdisk4/vol1.dsm discard=y (SESSION: 19405)
> 06/19/2006 15:03:43      ANR9999D dfqry.c(594): ThreadId<19> Missing row
> for bitfile 0.15471096.(SESSION: 19405)
> 06/19/2006 15:03:43      ANR2406E DELETE VOLUME:
> Volume /tsm/tsmdisk4/vol1.dsm still contains data.(SESSION: 19405)
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> The volume does not exist on the system any more, and I want to delete
> it.  It is not affecting our backups or restores, just a housekeeping
> measure.  Thanks!
> Aaron

this 9999D makes me think you have an inconstancy in your database. If
you really want to fix this... you'll have to call IBM support I guess.
I have two of these volumes on one of my systems, we are working on
moving all data to other TSM servers...

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Remco Post

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